The recovery is hard

When I woke up after the surgery, surrounded by friends and family, I had the acute knowledge that I had lost the ability to walk. It wasn't scary, it just was what it is. All I knew was I had work to do and without or without sensation below I needed to get to work. Reality was completely different. I had to recover.
The biggest challenge I face now is managing pain and doing my daily PT and OT sessions. Despite having feeling in a small portion of my body the pain fills up rooms. Despite being somewhat fit before the accident I am in no way in shape to move myself with what I have. As we celebrate with each new movement learned I have to rest constantly and each new day I wake up stiff as a board with the aches of my injury joined by the soreness of tiny muscles waking up from never had been used in this way.
Knots, cramps, are constant. I cry a lot. While I have done some challenging things in my life up to this point this one takes the cake by a long shot.

Okay, enough about my pity party. I am truly grateful to be where I am and look forward to accomplishing those crazy dreams I woke with. I also want to say to everyone out there send great energy our way, Thank you. Thank you, Thank you. I am not sure what I did to deserve such an outpouring of love, but it has made a huge impact. I only hope to one day be able to share my gratitude in person.




  1. Way to go Louis. Most people would not be cut out for this, but you have the best possible preparation for it. I fully expect your progress to astound the professionals helping you. That said, of course there will be times where progress pools under the surface and is relatively unseen. But I'm sure you know that too!

  2. Love you Louis! Once all this dus settles, you should for sure come onto the studio to come hang and work!

  3. Hey Louis, just wanted to drop a line and say that I know a lot of people are regularly reading these blog posts and not commenting, that typically includes myself. It's good to see the updates and progress from day to day. Naomi and I always said that there is something special about you, your positivity, and the way you elevate others. I thought this post really reflected that. I can't imagine how difficult your day must be at this time, but hang in there and know people are thinking about you.

  4. I'm so incredibly off-the-charts proud of you and impressed by your resilience (and vulnerability). Thank you so much for sharing your story as you go. Everyone asks me every day how you're doing--people who have never even met you in person but have heard through this event how amazing you are and are rooting for you from afar. Your presence is known and felt and celebrated. We're all so glad you're okay. I can't wait to pay a visit soon.


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