
Showing posts from April 5, 2020

I Am Ready to Go... but not really

When I woke in the hospital post surgery I was acutely aware that I no longer had use of the part of my body below my arms. At the time it didn't really phase me. I mean, I'd seen people in wheelchairs before. I knew that they got around well and some were doing incredible things. So naturally I thought I would pull the numerous tubes from my body, hop into a chair and get to work. For some reason I was certain I would be creating more images right away and those images would be more relevant than ever before. Then I was going to visit all the people I knew giving out hugs and letting them know how they influenced me, and also spend time with family and friends. There was this drive to put all all my effort and energy into creating positive change in the world. The reality was I wasn't ready to go.  The accident was traumatic. Not only had I fractured several vertebrae and severed my spinal cord, I had broken ribs, collapsed a lung, scalped my head, received a concussio