Saturday 2/22/20

Hi All,
Lou continues to heal in small increments. He rested a lot today and with any luck that will continue. Other than the obvious neck and back injuries, he is battling...

The scalp wound; which today was unbandaged for the first time and cleaned, assessed and re-dressed. The report was good, signs of healing with small pockets of fluid and perhaps air due to the fact that the usual layers of tissue which attach the skin to the head are no longer there and a space exists. The doctor believes that both the fluid and the air will be reabsorbed into the body in time.

Lungs; during the accident Lou broke several ribs and suffered a collapsed lung. Yesterday he was fighting a consistent challenge of  coughing up and expelling a significant amount of mucus build up. With help he was able get a good amount out and this provided relief.

All in all the really amazing staff at Utah Valley are continually impressed with his response to treatment.

Visiting - Over the next few days we would like to encourage visits and balance that with needed rest so we ask that people come in pairs during the hours of noon - 2pm. I have to be honest, depending on his condition, his level and type of medication he may or may not awake. 

I need to acknowledge the amount of gratitude our family feels for the love and support, the meals and the offers of help, the calls, texts, emails, ext. Also thank you for understanding a delayed and possibly non-existent reply. Please know that we do love the contact, it keeps us connected in a way we just can't be at this moment.
As we move through this process we will absolutely be accepting those offers of help (be patient with us please, asking for help was never a strong point for either of us).

At present we feel so blessed and grateful for all of you.


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