Addendum to 2/27/20

Each day we learn something new regarding Louis' rescue and need to share and acknowledge that this rescue was a collaboration of so many people. Erme was kind enough to track down an initial list of names/agencies who worked in concert to make this rescue possible.

Mapleton Fire & Rescue was the primary EMS agency
Chief Glasgow
Asst. Seamons
Captain Millet Paramedic me
John Higgins AEMT
Jordyn Gillespie EMT
Ethan Starr EMT
Andrew Lenard EMT
Ben Dunford AEMT
Bryce Baldwin AEMT
Alyssa Anderson Paramedic

Other Agencies on scene:
Mapleton Police Dept
LifeFlight - helped with location and dropped bag of extra supplies
DPS Helicopter Hoist
Utah County Search and Rescue Hikers (29 amazing volunteers)

If anyone has additional information, please comment and let us know.  Each and every one of you have our deepest gratitude, Louis would not be here with out you!


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